Thursday, February 01, 2007


Just wanted to let everybody know I will be (livin la vida loca) this weekend down in Miami. I will be attending the super bowl and hopefully going to some swanky clubs down there. Lets just hope I come back alive. Let me know if you want me to accomplish any tasks for you while I am in mini cuba. Somebody TIVO the good commercials for me. Valamos I know you will be jealous, and remember let the rythm take you over.

Nick D



Logan said...

I didn't know you were part Mexican.

You'd better brush up on your espanol before you go. Also, if you want in any of those swanky clubs, better wear a suit!

Jae said...

Wear a suit and bring the dough! I want you to walk down south beach w/ a banana hammock on, and get pictures. Anything less will be considered a failed vacation.

Adam said...

Go Bears!!!