Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Donations Needed!!!!!!!

Just click on that link above and you will understand. I just looked at my bank account and I am a few dollars short so if anybody wants to help me out that would be greatly appreciated. I will compliment any donations with free tours of the bones and possibly one of the greatest movies of all time...Jurassic Park. It needs to happen it is my destiny. Fuck the poor people its christmas lets donate to the Raptor fund.

Nick D a.k.a. (The original Raptor)

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


a few pics from the wedding i posted on my live journal.... congrats again! =)
click me

Monday, November 27, 2006

I had to do it...

Nick, you'll appreciate this a lot. I know how you like to be well versed in your sports information.

Mmmm, nuts.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


Congrats to the J's! Wedding was a lot of fun!

It was good to see all of you again

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Plans tonight?

Not much has been said about what everyone was doing tonight, so can someone please confirm or deny that we are doing something tonight? I'm at work right now and I'm still not too sure if I get out at 2 or 5, but either way, I'll be free the rest of the day. Leave a message here now, call me later.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Advantage UF

Well congrats to all UF players/fans you will be priveleged to at least 1Q of slow crappy QB play. For Bobby has once again sided with Drew Weatherford. Of course why not they both got to play half of last weeks game and Drew goes 5/10 for 34 yrds X Lee goes 9/13 for 141 yds and 2 TD's. One game a season does not make I know but X also looked very good against MD and UVA. Wake not so much but Drew comes in and throws 2 picks and looks just as bad and wins the starting job back...Naturally. I have no idea why this suprised me at all. People are hoping this is just a ploy to distract UF a little but not me my friends. Not when your dealing with a old stubborn man who has already chosen his favorite QB. FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Here is what is going to happen Drew will come out and look like shit...X will go in if he plays well he stays in if not Drew comes back in and then continues to look like shit. But by then both QB's have lost all confidence and hey let the slaughter begin. (man i hope im wrong here though). X has the shortest leash out of any QB in the world. I have no idea how he has played this well with the ole man looking for every oppurtunity in the world to pull him out of the game. Well now that I have properly vented and complained back to work I go. GO NOLES BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF THE GAYTORS....GO X LEE BABY.... as Limp Bizkit said...YOU GOTTA HAVE FAITH...which i do baby

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Started a wiki...

... on these a-holes that I see throwing their lit cigarette butts out the window of their cars.

Feel free to edit as that is the nature of a wiki.

Hey the J's

Where are you registered?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hey y'all, I could use your input

I have a very short amount of time to decide whether or not I should apply to do an internship. This would require an additional year of servitude at either an academic institution or private practice. I would be paid during the internship but it would be just enough to live on, but my father has offered to give some additional financial support. An internship would be required for me to be able to do a residency, but the residency would be another three year commitment. I could make more money eventaully but I should be able to make around $60,000 a year right out of school (could be more or less depending on the area). The potential to make money in this profession is good but I am not sure if general practice is where I want to end up. I would have already started to work on it but I am busy study for my national board exam that I have to take in a week. I can always do the paper work and get letters of recommendation by the deadline and will still have the option of backing out before March. So far, everyone at school thinks I should go for it but they tend to be biased. So I guess I was curious about what everyone thought about the situation and if y'all thought it would be worth it. I appreciate any input.


It is official Jeff Bowden our offensive co-ordinator is stepping down at the end of year. You do not understand how happy I am right now it is unbelievable. I bet 2 or 3 other offensive coaches leave as well. Every Seminoles fan dream as just come true. God we needed some hope going into next year and it was delivered in the best way. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE. Now the question stands was he forced out or did he just get fed up with it and leave. WHO GIVES A SHIT REALLY. YES YES YES YES YES YES...Ok i need to go catch my breathe....

PS I really think bobby was holding him back with this Drew Weatherford thing and he got tired of defending the constant questions.


Need Advice...

So here is the deal. Most of you know I have been in my new job for almost four months now. I got hired making a crappy entry-level wage of $35,000 which is the same wage I made at WaMu minus bonuses. Long story short...I am fuckin tired of making $35,000 because I have been making that same wage for about 15 months now. Anyway, I received a "promotion" and moved into the trading room and took on much more responsibility even though I am in the learning process. I received my 90 day performance review yesterday and even though I had a great talk of money what-so-ever...which obviously left a bad taste in my mouth. So do I have a valid argument to ask for more money or is it too soon? This was the only part about a small company that worried me...I hate asking for more money and honestly feel I shouldn't have to. I moved to take this job and have really dedicated myself and done well. Give me your honest opinions.

Happy Birthday Josh (and me)

November 14th, the birthday of many great minds :). Other notables are Claude Monet, Condoleeza Rice, Curt Schilling, Rev. Run, Yanni, Prince Charles, and Ed White, the first American to walk in space.

Monday, November 13, 2006


Wedding Postponement

Well due to the fact that FSU sux our game will be televised on ABC at NOON. Sorry to everybody that FSU sux so much ass we cant even be prime time. So I vote that we postpone the wedding to a later time. Ha j/k im sure you guys will be up by at least 20 points by the time the wedding starts. On another note bobby has brilliantly named Drew Weatherford our starting QB. 12-8 has a starter who actually looks worse then last year. If he is trying to drive away the fan base, alumni and cause a player revolt much like what happened with McPherson and Rix a couple of years back he has succeeded. I literally feel uterlly hopeless right now and have no reason to believe we will win again this year. I am so embarrassed.

Nick D....OUT...(hopelessly still supporting a lost cause...our football program)...GO NOLES FOREVER

Sunday, November 12, 2006

BCS.... comes the Gators!

For real though, we have to start playing way better if we hope to win the SEC and get a national title shot. I'm amazed that we still won that South Carolina game seeing how horrible both the offense and defense played. Urban better get things on track this week!

On a side note, how 'bout them Dawgs Alex?!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Random non-college football question.

I was wondering what every is getting in their savings accounts? I'm getting 4.4% which is great compared to what I used to have, but seeing as rates are going up all over, I am wondering if my bank has kept pace. Discuss.

Friday, November 10, 2006

No I in TEAM

How about Lebron walking off on his team []. What a quitter. He was probably rushing off to shoot his next Nike commercial. I think they should fine his ass and sit him for a game!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hell yeah, baby!!!!

Go Gators! #2 here we come!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Well ladies and Gents on Nov 13 (mon) I will be watching the Cleveland Cavaliers play the New York Knicks in Madison Square Gardens. That in itself is awesome to me, but which makes it even better is the free tickets my roomate Drew scored for us. He asked one of his clients and they said they could get hime some tickets. Little did he know they just decided to go out and buy $250 tickets for me and Drew (dumbasses). I have never been to MSG before and seeing LEBRON again makes this Nick D pretty pumped up. It sure is nice to have friends with a job that gets you stuff like this damn I need a new job. LEBRON IN DA HOOOOOSE. GO CAVS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS Whoever comes the closest to Lebrons stat line for the game will win a Cavs gift purchased by me and mailed to you (dont expect something great either pricks). Pts, Reb, Assist, Steals and blocks. Every point/reb and so on you are off by you get a point, least amount of points wins. I will submit my entry Monday so I can better research it.

"Chance favors the prepared mind"

Nick D...aka (Master of Rory Zinna)....OUT

7 year old chooses guardian

Tallahassee, FL.(AP) -- A seven-year old boy was at the center of a Tallahassee courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to the degree possible. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried out that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the Florida State Seminoles Football Team, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone.

Thought everyone would like that one...

Monday, November 06, 2006

Calling all Aarons

Has anyone heard from Aaron recently? It's like he fell off the face of the earth.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Tarpon anyone

We went 4 for 7 on the tarpon with my charter today.
Here is the big one of the day ~100lbs

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Another reason it is a sad day...

It is official...FSU has hit rock-bottom...we are in ESPN's Bottom 10 this week. Very, very upsetting. We now "officially" suck.

Very Sad Day

Today I just read in the paper that Bob Barker intends to retire this December. I feel like everybody should take a day off of work and watch one of his last shows. This man is what got us through sick days in high school or just our nomal lazy days in college. He is 83 and said he wants to retire while he is still young..haha. It did not say if the show will continue it was just a short blurb from him. I cant imagine how it every could. I personally thought Bob was an alien or a robot due to the fact he has looked the same the last 20yrs I have watched him. Or maybe we should all take a trip out there so we can be a part of. Your the next contestant on the price is right!!!!!.

And remember get your pets spayd (sp) or netuered (sp) help me out here alex.

PS LeCavs are on TV the new commercials they are great....LEBRON JAMES