Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Thank Goodness Its Almost Friday...around this time on friday i will have finished my second out of four cpa exam's after which i will be enjoying the festivities of cinco de mayo for those of you who do not hablo espanol thats (5th of may). I believe many coronas and a pool will be in order and lets hope all these mexicans get good and drunk on friday so jae will actually be able to commute around his city without being haggled by protestors. I hope everybody will use this day as an excuse to get nice and shitty. As for me i leave you with a quote for this coming up weekend "cash money's motto is drink till u throw up"

GO CAVS BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..........Nick to the D

PS jae sux at risk


Jae said...

good luck on your test. i will most likely go all of may 5th sans alcohol since i have a shit load of work to do. this requires that everyone drink double since you know i can drink every one of you under the table any day of the week. rory this means you will have to drink two beers, i know this may seem like a lot but nick will hold your hair back while you puke.

i'm impressed how far nick has slipped into alcoholism in the past 5 years. i'm sure i'm not the only one that remembers two-beer queer nick. that guy was a tool.


Nick D said...

thanks bud...funny thing is this statement is still nearly true about calling shananigans(sp) on me being an alcoholic

Logan said...

In the wise words of Doug. "You're not a alcoholic until you go to AA meetings."

Leighton said...

Shit, I remember the days of 1/2 beer queer Nick on Logan's boat (Icehizzie on the bizzie)! *sings* the corner of my mind...but I digress...glad to see Nick can hold his own now. Very proud of you my friend. As for Rory...all hope is lost...too bad they don't make pink Margaritas huh Rory?

Logan said...

I don't know about pink margaritas but I have seen him order and drink a pink martini.