This has been the second show that we've gone to and so far we have been twice disappointed (the other being King of Queens). There seems to be a similar caliber employee that works these shows who gets extreme enjoyment out of controlling a large number of people (minus Jenny and I) who are willing to cut each others' throats to get close to a "celebrity".
Being confined to be near these people for 8 hours was enough to push me to mass-homicide. To cap it all off, I didn't get any of the free Johnsonville brats and fries because when we got off of the bus we were herded into a "holding area" (read: a pig pen) and the tard who was running the holding area said there was not enough time. This guy has just stepped in between me and free brats and has just become the luckiest person alive for still having all his fingers.
I am done with these shows. I was expecting that Ellen would give out something cool like she normally does. All we got was a stupid XL tshirt that I snatched out of the air before this lady in front of me (who already had two of the same, what was she making a raft and needed a sail?) could get her grubby mits on them.
I still vote for burning down Hollywood,
Don't you dare bad talk "King of Queens!" You blasphemous son of a bitch.
down boy, i still watch it every monday night. but they make it less enjoyable at the tapings then watching it from home. i expected the opposite to be true.
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