Sunday, May 28, 2006

Lots of excitement to start off a Sunday..

We woke up this morning to a loud BOOM followed by the fire alarm for the whole building blazing in our ears.

We got dressed and went outside to see what was going on.

Noticed everyone looking down into the garage so I walked over and found the root of the evil.

The gate had given out while opening and came crashing down on some poor guys car (pics below). If you look you can see the broken chain.

I went down and snapped a pic and a movie of the scene from below.

Back up top the firemen show up to the rescue.

Firemen talking to our landlady. They seem let down but I think this is exciting!

We eventually end up with 3 firetrucks! Go Pasadena FD!
Here are the pics of the guy's car. From what I estimate, he was going into the garage when the gate snapped and fell on his hood, then he backed out and this was the result:

He's definitely lucky it didn't break a little later and come crashing down across his windshield! I emailed him these pics for insurance purposes since he didn't have a camera.

Time for some breakfast! All this excitement has got me jonesin' for some grub.


Leighton said...

OOOO an Integra too. Too bad for that guy. Good news he can get a nice lip kit for the front...and the gate debadged it for him!

Jae said...

Ya, maybe I can send him to Leighton Auto Body Services to get it done ;).