Monday, May 01, 2006

Finally done!!!

So I just fininshed my last Senior Design report, and I am glad to say that my autopilot works awesome. And to think it only took me a year longer than everyone else. Anyway here are some pictures of my plane. 16" wingspan and capable of fully autonomous flight. I am ready to claim my place as AN ENGINEERING GOD!!!!

1 comment:

Jae said...

Jaebae17: so where are the pics from when you flew this thing over the nude beaches, that is why you made it right??
Mous316: we put 4 autopilots top and bottom and 16 IR boards on the same sheet
Mous316: we were thinking top of dorms during summer
Jaebae17: hellz ya
Mous316: hooray for boobies!!!!
Jaebae17: they drive the world
Mous316: if i get pics they go on the blog
Mous316: and it has a 500 dollar high resoloution camera
Jaebae17: if you get boobies w/ your spy cam i will put them permanently on the sidebar
Mous316: lol
Mous316: i can get boobies transmitted from 3/4 mile away
Jaebae17: the mission is set then
Mous316: lol
Mous316: ill have them work on it
Jaebae17: cool