Hey all you Windows users, has your computer been running really slowly? My laptop has and it's been pissing me off. I uninstalled all unused programs, defragged, scandisked, virus scanned, spyware scanned and it was still running slowly. I figured I'd test the water and try to find something to clean my registry (I figured I had a few problems in it). I downloaded a few but finally settled on this one:

It's called WinASO Registry Optimizer. It's free to try so I did a scan and as you can see, I have over 1000 errors in my registry! This program will fix them, but the free version will only fix 10 errors per scan (CRAP). Luckily it tells you how many errors per area so you can disable scanning those areas so subsequent scans won't take as long. If you are not cheap like me you can shell out $29.95 and fix all your errors at once (moneybags).
PS: That scan took about 5-10 minutes but hopefully your comp won't be in as bad a shape
My latest Norton has something that sounds similar. Think they do the same thing?
if it says "registry cleaner" or something like that, then they are the same thing. i'm using mcafee which i got free from UF :P
ok good, that is what it is. Thanks J.
i don't know about the rest of you who tried this, but my comps seem to be much less sluggish now. it's really noticeable when navigating through the start menu.
Will that screw with hacked programs I have on my PC though??? Everytime I do stuff like that, I lose all my good programs and licenses. (All of which are simply back-ups of the original which I have lost...)
I'm not sure if your "backups" will be detected, but you are able to select which problems are repaired on an individual basis and also by category before anything happens.
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