Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Synonym #3...

"roast beef curtains"


Adam said...

Last night, I decorated my face with Rory's sister's roast beef curtains.

(This game is really biased towards those of us with female siblings...)

Nick D said...

After adam was finished i took sloppy seconds and dipped my meat in Amy's au jus sauce.

(Rory's Sister) This is true im just waiting for the hits to start coming on mine

Leighton said...
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Leighton said...

Gina's roast beef curtains are so nasty, she douches with au jus.

Anonymous said...

Actually Leighton, they aren't that nasty....in fact they're quite tasty. Danny let me have a bite.

Leighton said...


Jae said...

Proposed synonyms: Downtown Julie Brown

Adam said...

Boo yah! Points for my man, the J. I can't wait until tomorrow's word. I know the rest of you are equally as eager.

P.S. aus jus comments are far too remiscinct of menstrual cycles... Negative poitns for that.

Jae said...

What about spicy mustard? I know I love a little spicy mustard w/ my roast beef.

I demand that, although somewhat tangent to this discussion, "the shocker" be worked in to list of words :).