Next is Scooter. He is a 3 yr old Quarter Horse. Think having a 3 yr old kid is bad...try having a 1000 lbs one. He is in to everything! He is a riot though and loves to drink beer. I somehow managed to snag a pic while he was licking his lips so it looks like he is sticking his tongue out at me...very fitting. Second pic is looking into the barn. You can see Scooter, Kelly (Step-mom), Dad, and Stormy in the background.

Third is Stormy. She is Kelly's horse and she is called a Painted because of her spots. She used to run barrels and is a very good horse. A little more moody than the boys...but aren't all women?

We normally have about 5-6 cats that hang around at any given time, but really only 3 are ours (they came with the house). Here is a pic my little sweet kitty Schmen (I didn't name her). She is the sweetest cat and when I move out, I'm taking her with me.

Finally, is the bunnies. The one in the cage is Biscuit. We just kind of adopted her. The black one was originally named Sadie because we assumed it was a girl and Kelly named it. After we adopted Biscuit, we discovered Sadie was really a boy because he started humping the crap out of Biscuit. So what do you name a black bunny? Nate Johnson of course!

nice pics man!
you need to get a dog to keep those cats in line, i'm picturing a border collie for some reason... name it jae if it's a boy and jennifer if it's a girl
well we do have our stupid dogs from before, but they run away if they go outside. We are in the process of getting a "farm dog" that will run the property for us. I'm sure it will be something like a border collie.
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