Ok everybody, here is a copy of Resume version 2.0. I have four WaMu VPs currently helping me, but any input is greatly appreciated. Version 1.0 was successfully destroyed, so this is my second attempt at a "grown-up" professional resume. Let me know what you think...
Looks very good my friend 2 pieces of advice...under smokey bones u need to discuss the art of the ramican off the mural...and mention living with nick for 4 yrs at FSU should help u significantly...1 question for real though is the high school GPA still relevant?? other then that i would hire ya for 100,000 right now
Well I also questioned the relevancy of the H.S. GPA, but the VPs seemed to really like it and wanted me to keep it. Since my professional work history is lacking, I have to concentrate on my educational accomplishments. I actually DID have the art of the "ramican-off-mural"...but they didn't even know what a ramican was, so i took it off. And unfortunately they didn't know who "The Nick" was either...so I had to take that off as well...after I slapped them for their insolence of course.
Hey dude, just one little thing that I think would look nice. The line in your crowder bros. experience where it says "and cashering" (however you spell that) should be justified to the left a bit so it is in line with the rest of the bullet points. I think that would look nicer, but that is just me... Good luck finding work. It sucks searching for a job
Good eye! Issue corrected...thanks buddy.
I can't really tell on my laptop from the screenshot but I'll post it since others can us the advice.
Since your resume will most likely be fed into a computer system at some point, make sure your bullet points are solid circles or dashes. Squares or any other type of bullet points do not get encoded correctly and will likely make your resume look messed up.
Another point regarding electronic format is the font.
* I would recommend having two copies of your resume, one which is formatted in one of the standard fonts (Times New Roman, Arial). Use this one when submitting .doc's to company websites. Use your current one for hard-copies. Do you have Adobe Professional to make pdfs? If not I can help w/ that.
* The two copies is in addition to the multiple copies you should already have (one for each position you are seeking, I have about 25 ha).
* One easy way to tailor your resume to each position is to slip their companies name into your objective. This is subtle but catches their attention as well.
* Do a search on Monster and find qualifications that are desirable for the position you are seeking, then put in a "Skills" (or something similar) section that lists abilities as well as software programs you can use.
Thanks for the info! Very helpful.
try moving your educational experience above your professional experience, I would personally leave off any positions that were not "professional" positions. instead include volunteer stuff awards and skills
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