Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Let me know what you think.

As all of you know I have been very sick for sometime now. I am actually getting well enough to get a job now!! I have an opportunity and want to know what all of you think about it. I would be running the online version of Gulfstream Marine. Obivously I wouldn't be dealing with the creation of the site or anything but I would start out taking the online orders, billing, packing and sending the stuff people order. This doesn't seem like much and it isn't but I feel this company has huge potential. The guy who runs it now is taking off in Feb 07 and going to need someone to take over the whole operations. The company opened up Feb 5 this year and has already doubled in size and that is without even having an online store. Anyway, I would start out on the bottom but have the potential to run the whole thing in 5 months! I didn't think much of it but Bass Pro shops, Worldwide sportsman, even walmart had to start somewhere.
Oh, btw, the store is in Deland so I would live in either Daytona (20 min drive) or Maitland/Winterpark (30-40 mins)
You all know me....lets hear it, pros and cons!


Leighton said...

Hey man, I like it. Bass Pro shops are huge and their catalog kicks ass! I think you should go for it! Tackle is a very highly demanded product, and the best always needs replacing. People will always fish, and therefore always need gear. Glad to hear you feeling better!

Leighton said...

And actually have an opportunity to work in something you love. That is a hard thing to find.

Adam said...

Logan, I concur. Finding out what you wan to do is very tough but if you can work with what you know you love, you are bound to be happy.

And that fish with the cigar in his mouth has me sold!

Jae said...

beal, are there other employees that will be more likely to move in and fill the vacant position, or are they all knuckleheads?

assuming you can move in and work hard and prove your worth, this sounds like a great opportunity for you.

Logan said...

Right now there are 4 employees and I am the only one with a college education. I prolly know the least about fishing of anyone if you can believe that! The guy running the store now has been a captain for 35 years. The other people in the store are, a guy named Walker, who writes articles for Marlin and Big Game Magazines, JD and Robbie who are both 25-29 ish and I don't think they are in a position to run the business. In Feb 07, Dave, the guy running it now and Walker are taking off on a 61 Bayliss (google it) and hitting tournaments from bermuda to the virgin islands and across the bahamas fishing under the name Gulfstream Marine.
Keep the comments coming!