Wednesday, May 03, 2006

I'm proposing a game...

It will be a battle of wits. I will announce a new word chosen at random every day for one week.

Players are allowed to look up the definition if it is not known to them.

Each player may then post a comment using that word in a sentence, points will be awarded as follows:
  • Funny sentence using the word correctly - 4 points
  • Not funny sentence using the word correctly - 3 points
  • Funny sentence using the word incorrectly - 1 point
  • Not funny and incorrect sentence - 0 points

At the end of the week (Wednesday May 10th), the player with the highest score will win a prize to be determined based on the level of competition (ranging from $0-$10 of value).

The first word will be posted within the hour...



Eric said...

It's been over 3 hours, I demand a word!!!

Jae said...

3 hours, i posted w/in about 5 minutes, remember the time difference ;-)

Eric said...

haha, that's hilarious, I must have come to the site just as you posted it!