Monday, May 08, 2006

Day 6 of competition: Word is...

In honor of Adam: querulous


Eric said...

"Querulous bloggers that start parallel word games in retaliation like to keep one parked in their salami garage."

Sweet, a two-for-one!

Leighton said...

That bitch used to be querulous, then I slapped the shit out of her and she straightened up.

Nicely done on the two-fer Eric.

Eric said...

Ah, nappy dugout could be used, too, but I'd probably say "throw a bat into" instead of "keep one parked in". Adam, what's with all the slang for an orifice? And the apparent man-love for Matt Damon?

Nick D said...

Eric keeps querulously yapping how his salami garage smells like jae's taco hut, to strongly seasoned and with lots of moldy cheese.

Did that one for you adam.

Leighton said...

made me laugh out-loud in my office Nick...nicely done!

Adam said...

The Matt Damon stuff is from Team America. You know where the Damon puppet says nothing but "Matt Damon."

Nick D said...

Glad i could help you out bryan i was laughing while i posted it...I got ya adam we say that quote all the time "Matt Damon"

Jenny said...

Adam's querulous comments about the "original" word of the day game are just a cry for attention.