Sunday, May 07, 2006

Christina's Graduation

Hey all,
Thought I'd let you all know that Christina graduated from USF on Saturday! More pics are on my blog (there is a link on this page) for those that are interested.


Jae said...

Congrats Christina!


Leighton said...

I have only met her once...but congrats!!

Nick D said...

Tell her congrats...u look fat eric desk job getting to ya?

Eric said...

I agree Nick, but in my defense that is a horrible picture of me. In the coming months I plan on dropping 20-25 pounds. Anyone have any suggestions to speed up the weight loss process? Maybe I'll create a post on this topic.

Leighton said...

Haha, don't ask me, the desk job has been equally cruel to me. And quitting smoking didn't help either...but I think trading 5-10 extra lbs for lung cancer is a good deal.

Jenny said...

Congrats Christina! Hope you guys are doing well.

P.S.- If you really want to lose some weight, you may want to take a look at Brenda's site:
It has a lot of good stuff. Also, have you been working out lately? Joining a gym is always a good idea.

Jae said...

I second checking out my mom's site. A local (bradenton) doctor dropped over a hundred pounds using the products on her website. They are basically really healthy shakes and bars. I can post before/after pics of that doc if i can find them.