Monday, May 08, 2006

Better word...

"nappy dugout"


Leighton said...

Nothing is better than a mouthful of nappy dugout.

Nick D said...

I not only used ur original word but i thru in a synonym for that word under day 6 word...i enjoy ur game more up my alley way...hmm ally the name of ur sister and alley way a potential name for a pussy...I stuck my dick in her alley way...I like where this is going GIGGITY GIGGITY GIGGITY

Adam said...

Nick, you are awarded a gazillion points and have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Awesomeness. Congratulations.

Watch it with the alley/Allie comments though... >=0

Nick D said...

thankyou sir...this will go down as one of the top accomplishments in my life thus far do i get a medal or certificate or anything? i of course will respectfully not say anymore about ur sister.

Jae said...

I like my nappy dugout like I like my steak, brown on the outside, hot and pink on the inside ;).