Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sign of our generation

Is it weird that I laugh when I see a man get his head kicked off backwards? Two gay gentleman sitting next to me at the movies were a bit put off by the fact I kept laughing during "The Expendables." Cristina thought it was funny too. I got to thinking what a person from the 1950's would say if he saw one of our modern movies. I think I am just way too desensitized to violence.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Another one down

I passed my Series 66 this morning! I am done with all my national licensing exams now! Off to St. Louis next week for training!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Greatest Endorsement for Candidate

There is not much more that needs to be said. My confidence is moving up every time I see this endorsement.

10 yr Reunion

Just want to see if anybody plans on going to any of the events? It is happening sometime in October and I keep getting messages about it and wanted to see if anybody planned on going? If others are in I would probably go to at least either the Friday night or Saturday night activities let me know your thoughts.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


While taking part in my favorite weekend past-time (giving things away on craigslist), one of my would-be recipients sent me a text message that they would be late. *GULP* Now my stance on text messaging is well documented on this blog, and it was not this person's fault since they couldn't know that I did not carry text messaging on my phone. (If you are wondering I did not demand a quarter from them, I restrained myself)

I decided then and there that it was Verizon's fault that this random stranger could unknowingly cost me money via a few thumb-strokes; it was finally time for battle. I began seething in anticipation of reaming out their customer support while I demanded texting to be blocked on my phone. Having tried to cross this bridge unsuccessfully in the past, I was preparing myself mentally for a long drawn out convo full of asking for managers and throwing around whoppers like "long-standing customer" and "I'll cancel my line".

Having properly fueled up with a belly full of Panda, I phoned customer support. As an aside, has anybody ever called a customer support line and not received the "We are experiencing heavier than normal call volume" message? At some point the heavier than normal becomes normal, no? But I digress. My call was answered (in the order it was received), by Kristen.

Kristen came on the other end of the line with a cheery attitude and a friendly greeting that led me to believe she was either really good at her job, or at the start of her shift. Either way, I felt like Kristen can and would be helping me today.

After failing to identify myself via some "phone password" numerous times, I eventually managed to scrounge up enough random information to make Kristen believe I was me. She maintained her cheery attitude throughout this charade and so I was quick to pounce before her mood changed.

I launched into it, "I would like to block all text messages on my phone." I braced myself, ready for the disappointed. But alas it did not come! Without hesitation came, "I would be happy to help you with that today, do you mind me asking you why you would like to block text messages?" I was home free! I refrained from explaining to Kristen my true thoughts on text messaging as she no doubt could care less. Instead I simply said that I did not want them.

I'm not sure what changed (maybe more crazies like myself complaining), but when we last tried this it was "impossible". Now, a few magical keystrokes later, I am officially (and happily) off the texting grid. Thank you Kristen!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Saturday - Bradenton (Area) Folk

Hey just curious to see if anybody wanted to come up to our place Saturday afternoon. Figured maybe come up in the afternoon have a few drinks and some snacks at my place for a while then maybe go out and have some fun in South Tampa. Let me know what you guys think or if anybody is interested.

"Feel the rhythm feel the rhyme get on's bobsled time"

Nick D

Monday, August 16, 2010

Veterinarians in Auburn

Alex this could have been you. And easily a top 5 worst political spot of 2010.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Following the Trend

Well folks me and Irene have followed in the footsteps of Logan and Aman-duh and gotten a dog. He is currently a 12 week old male boxer puppy who seems pretty relaxed to this point. I do not plan on sleeping much in the next week, but check him out. We ended up naming him Bernie Lomax from spawned from Weekend at Bernies. Check out the dude below. You guys need to bring you puppies up sometime soon and we can do a BBQ and chill.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Texas Style Truck {L}

This is what I am talking about I have a feeling they may sell a few of these in the south.

"Why would I want a gun rack? I don't even own a gun none the less many guns that would necessitate a rack"

Nick D > Rory < Logan = Jae 1/2 Alex = 1.5 ( Eric\Christina) = Amanda

1 down, 2 to go

I passed my Series 7 today. Series 66 and insurance to go.

Best Movie Ever?

What happens when you combine the two best movies ever?! THIS HAPPENS!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, August 09, 2010


Wasn't your birthday this weekend? If so, Happy Belated. We had a party for you at Alex's yesterday. You didnt show though.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Fantasy Football

In lighter non (B&E) news if anybody wants to play a little bit of fantasy football the info is below. I am not doing it for money, but something far more precious,bragging rights. Plus it gives everybody the chance to beat the ever living sh*t out of Rory which is something we all dream about doing on a nightly basis. Hope to see you all there for a fun season of trash talking and competitive banter.

Nick to the D

League: American Football
ID: 178209

Password: football

Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Josh wakes up to find intruder in his bedroom(answers in the form of machete)

2:35 Is very early in the morning, and I am a man who enjoys his sleep. They say pets develop traits of their owners and my dog enjoys the soft tap of the snooze button as much as I. So when my dog decides to go apeshit crazy like an amalgamation of bacon chicken and puperoni fairy all rolled into one is at the front door, I decide to take notice. On first inspection the house appeared normal all doors locked and dead bolted all exterior lights shining bright, but my dog is not one to cry wolf so I made a pit stop to my offices repository of garden tools and baseball bats and selected my yard axe and my 27" aluminum bat as worthy plan B's and returned to bed.

2:51 Is even earlier into the morning or later in the evening depending on which shift of humanity you belong. The bacon-chicken-puperoni fairy appears to be making his encore performance, so I again start to rise, but this time I reach under the bed and my hand finds the handle of my yard axe. I am in the process of removing the comforter when a gentleman with a shaved head and arm sleeves enters the room. Now many phrases come to one's mind, full of eloquence and class, but my tongue settled on "Who the fuck are you, and what the fuck are you doing in my house?" The invader now startled, having forgone the electronic riches of my living room, decides a handful of women's clothing and my work shoes will make this b&e worth the risk. Yard Axe in hand I pursue the thief into my hallway, noticing that my machete wielding likeness has startled the intruder into dropping his cell phone. Spoils of battle left behind. The pursuit leads to my front door where I notice the thief is without shoes, aside from the ones in his hand. I demand he drop everything and he complies, again as a reminder I have a yard axe in hand and have been twice disturbed from restful slumber, I no happy. Cristina forms the reserves armed with heavy firepower in case my forward assault ends badly, but as many a tree limb will attest, I am a force to be reckoned with when wielding a machete. Would be burglar successfully run off, I take inventory. One thief's cell phone, one thief's pair of shoes and a giant surge of adrenaline later, I phone the police. Point of entry was my front window popped from its latch, but as I write this the intended target of the break in was unknown.

3:02 Police arrive in force and use the recovered cell phone to obtain the identity of the intruder, he will not be called thief, because he did not successfully rob me of any tangible item aside from precious sleep. Last night was Tampa's Police Night Out, a special tour de force where police patrols were especially heavy for reference. Police officers determine that the man who entered my home was a south Tampa resident, specifically living a few blocks away.

3:15 Police determine that I am in possession of the coolest cat ever and proceed to entertain said cat with a laser pointer to distract her while they gather finger prints. TPD was amazing in their wee hour efforts.

4:15 Police have captured the suspect and take me for a drive by ID'ing.

4:30 Coffee maker purrs to life with the realization that a distant morning sun is no longer some far off instant in time, but a very real and disturbing truth. My bed will go wanting for the rest of the evening.

6:00 As a cruel reminder of the sleep not slept my alarm clock sounds.

[L] And this is different than Greece how...?

It's a wonder the dollar hasn't gone to zero already. Is it November yet?

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Free Dive

For those on the boat this is that free dive video I was talking about...

Monday, August 02, 2010

Woman wakes up to find intruder in her bed

Colt McCoy's wedding song (L)

The whole song is actually pretty funny but make sure you watch the part about 1:40.