Tuesday, June 29, 2010

For those who haven't heard

I am no longer getting married. I called it off last week... the more I thought about it I just didn't think we were right for each other. I don't want anyone to feel like they have to comment or anything, I'm doing okay... I just wanted to make sure you all knew.

Monday, June 28, 2010

According to the weather channel. "Alex is slowly strengthening over the Bay of Campeche"

Is this some new work out Alex or is this some new type of sexual act that I need to know about?

Yes it is a Monday morning and I was a little bored at work......

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Something to do

I want everyone to google search "get the greatest blog" and scroll down to the 9th entry... we rock.

America...F Yeah!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Vegas this Fall!

Jae and I are going to Vegas this fall since Southwest is having a great deal on flights right now...if anyone is interested and has a particular weekend in mind, give us a reply. We are pretty flexible, but October or November would be best (weather-wise and time-wise).

Viva Las Vegas!!!

[L] US Advances

Well we squeaked through in Cinderella fashion but my heart can't take much more.

After watching the past two games I have come to realize why it has taken soccer so long to gain momentum in the states.

It boils down the that feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when a single call by the referee totally changes the outcome of the game. And I'm not talking just about losing momentum; I'm talking about turning a W into an L.

Soccer fans worldwide seem to covet this experience as "part of the game" and we Americans just don't understand the emotional aspect of the sport, but it seems to me that refs should be there only to enforce the rules of the game as objectively as possible. And in a day and age when technology is so ubiquitous, why not use everything at hand to make this possible?

It is an insurmountable task for one man make every right and wrong call in such a fast-moving and subtle sport. But we should just swallow that lump in our throats and throw it up "part of the game" when another one almost slips through our fingers?

[L] Britain Unveils Emergency Budget

A step in the right direction for a country where half of the jobs are on the public payroll. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a little jealous that England has the cojones to pull the trigger on this and our politicians don't...

I also find it funny that this came right after Obama was telling all the other G20 countries not to go crazy trying to bring down their deficits too fast. Since, you know, we're the ones who should be doling out financial advice.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Adam Explains the Banned Mythbusters Episode (Crazy)

The Oatmeal

For those of you who have enjoyed checking out The Oatmeal.

Definitely not what I had pictured for the guy, 4.5 million hits per month though!

3D you say Eric? (L)

My Dad just got the TV in that link. It's really pretty cool. I can't wait to see some soccer in 3d

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Wine in a plastic "glass" (L)

Wish I would have thought of this!

Monday, June 14, 2010

[L] Thoughts?

A new 360 and the new Kinect, anyone tempted enough to upgrade?

Website Suggestions

Hey guys I have a question for you and I am not sure if I have asked this before, if so sorry just deal with it and answer again. So Irene is looking to get a website up and running to try and help promote her side business of designing wedding dresses. Now in terms of functionality it does not right now need to be a full blown business website. For her the most important thing would be to display and protect her portfolios/pictures and perhaps have the ability to have a little bit of freedom within the pages to try and be creative. She also needs the ability to have a section describing her background and tell potential clients what she can do for them. Also, since she is not trying to go all out on this right now cost is obviously a concern.

Just curious to see if you guys have came across anything or might have any suggestions..thanks for your help.

We also plan to have a section dedicated to making fun of Rory...so that should help.

Nick D

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jewish Movie Mogul {L}

If that article is accurate I am definitely going to see it because Ben Stiller is awesome and this character was hilarious. It would actually bring Tom Cruise up a couple of notches in my book.

Nick D > Rory

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ixtoc (L)

Gulf Oil spill is tiny compared to the Ixtoc spill. Pretty interesting article.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

In the spirit

Most of you already know, some of you don't but I gave notice where I work. I did it today, so its OK to make it Blog official now.

I'll be starting with Edward Jones on July 6th as a Financial Advisor. I'll be doing a lot of training and studying to get licensed. I'll be officially licensed in October. So be expecting a call from me about November! ;)

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Hey Guys...Remember Me?

Classy! (Link)

Rory, hopefully you get to prosecute

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

[L] Meyer's Health Problem Diagnosed

I'm glad we didn't end up losing him over something that is easily treatable with medication.