Monday, August 17, 2009

Since he's not gonna tell you...

Big Al bought a house last week.


Andrew said...

Holy Shit, that is cool news. Congrats Alex.

Alex said...

Yeah, the house is on 19th Ave NW on the west side of 75th. It is a 2-2 with a small pool and huge living room.

Jae said...

Cool, up near me. I assume pics will be posted once you settle in?

Anonymous said...

Correction up near me he's still hundreds of miles away from your abode Jboy

Jae said...

ha, touche

Leighton said...

Pool party heard.

Congrats buddy!

Andrew said...

Christ, that is in the same neighborhood as the first house my parents bought in Bradenton. Something like 1840 76th Street. So very amusing.

Nick D said...

Assume dude congrats.

More importantly this means Logan will be leaving with Rory. Logan lives with Rory in 2000 and then again in 2009

Logan said...

Correction, Rory will be living with Logan.

Nick D said...

Wow I messed up Awesome and living, god I suck.

Good point Logan.