Saturday, August 22, 2009

I got a Volvo!

For those of you who know me (and I assume most of you do), you know that I don't exactly love driving, and the thought of car accidents scares the crap out of me... so a Volvo (aka, a tank) has always been a highly desirable car for me. Well I am happy to say that thanks to some awesome negotiation on Siefe's part I was able to get this '07 S40 for only a little more than I was paying for my stupid Aveo! It drives really smooth, has a sunroof, tinted windows, leather interior, plus I was able to tack on a 3 yr warranty that covers just about everything imaginable. All in all, a very productive Saturday! :)


Adam said...

Very nice Amanda! Volvo makes a great car. I just hope you don't ever get the chance to test out those good safety features.

Leighton said...

Excellent upgrade! I'm not a fan of "tuna can" type cars like the Aveo...I just see people getting really hurt in them.

Jae said...

interesting pick amanda. glad you got a good deal.

Nick D said...

The car looks nice Amanda, enjoy it!

Logan said...

Looks like a sweet ride! Now drive it down to Btown for the pool party on Saturday.