Better than any social network.
Mother of social life is over when this game comes out. Not to mention Assassin's Creed II, Forza 3, and the new Halo...why do they release all at the same time!!
I need to get a job so I can buy more video games! But when I finally do finish school I probably won't have any time to actually play them.
i'll buy it for you adam, you can pay me back with 1.24 games after to get out of school :)
You know Jae, usury is the reason we are in the economic trouble that we are in. I am saving up my time for the new Halo.
I need to purchase one of these machines.
Yes, you do. COD2 should be a good time.
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Mother of social life is over when this game comes out. Not to mention Assassin's Creed II, Forza 3, and the new Halo...why do they release all at the same time!!
I need to get a job so I can buy more video games! But when I finally do finish school I probably won't have any time to actually play them.
i'll buy it for you adam, you can pay me back with 1.24 games after to get out of school :)
You know Jae, usury is the reason we are in the economic trouble that we are in. I am saving up my time for the new Halo.
I need to purchase one of these machines.
Yes, you do. COD2 should be a good time.
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