Thursday, August 06, 2009

Mad Men

Anyone else seen this series? We just started Netflixing the first season. There are a lot of interesting characters and the production quality is really good. I love the fact that everyone smokes like chimneys and drinks scotch non-stop. I would recommend it so far.

Any other Netflix recommendations?


Adam said...

Yeah, Mad Men is pretty awesome. I finally took people's advice and started watching Dexter a while back. I am almost done with the second season and I am quite entertained.

If you truly want to watch the best show ever produced on television, you HAVE to watch The Wire. It is a little slow to get going but it is really the best show ever made. In similar vein, Oz is damn good as well.

Andrew said...

Dexter is amazing. I got hooked on it while running a special in King George, VA. I am a big fan of Studio 60 in the Sunset Strip, but then again I like Aaron Sorkin's non-political stuff, Sport's Night is also fantastic.