Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Even Alex can catch fish...

.......When I take him fishing.


Jae said...

that's weird, logan usually makes guys take their shirts off before snapping a pic... nice job though alex

Nick D said...

Haha we would all be blinded if that were the case. Logan the real test would be if you could have that same success with me.

Logan said...

Nick, do you even know what kind of fish those are?

Amanda said...

snook and a redfish? am I close?

Nick D said...

Those were going to be my guesses. Snook cuz the spot and red fish well because it looks a little red.

Logan said...

You got it Amanda.

Nick, the Redfish has the spot. The snook has the line.

Nick D said...


Amanda said...

Hahahaha... that was awesome. I knew the redfish but I wouldn't have known the snook except for the fact that we caught some when I went fishing with my parents a couple weekends ago. It is now locked in my fish identifier, which I'm proud to say is probably up in the neighborhood of around 15 :)