Friday, October 03, 2008

For those of you that watched the debate...

An objective look at some of errors made on both sides...


Logan said...

Can't we just vote already. I've been tired of all this crap for a long time now. I say we change the way the campaigning works. Make it so they can only campaign for 3 months before the election. It would save a LOT of money.

Amanda said...

I certainly wouldn't claim to be a fact buff myself, but I did think both parties spoke well. I just found it funny the way Gov. Palin pronounced nuclear... "nucular?" "nuclear?"... crap now I don't even remember how to say it. I've been in and out of paying attention lately due to midterms, although I'm nowhere near as political as half of you kids anyway, but I just felt like contributing to the blog for the sake of communicating with my good friends :)

Andrew said...

Hey Logan why don't you go fuck yourself. Some of us make their money off annoying people during a scant few months every other year. WE have a candidate who is going to spend 1.4 million dollras from now until the election. And he is not in that of a DMA. He is in Albany and we have basically maxed out. If we wanted to spend more money we would have to start buying NYC broadcast and that runs about $1.5 million a week, candidate rates not issue or commercial rates.

Adam said...

If you lived in Ohio you could have voted like a month ago. But they probably only let you do that if you vote for the democrats. I just got my absentee ballot and it is in the mail. There's one vote for Obama!