Hello everybody! So... I'll be moving to GA this Saturday, and anticipate being out of work for at least a few weeks (hopefully not too much longer than that though!). In my downtime, I'd like to start up a fitness blog, and therein lies my question. Can somebody help me get started? Never created a blog before - only contributed mindlessly to existing ones :)
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
If you are only out of work for two weeks that would be awesome. Best of luck to you in the move/job hunt.
Other than starting nickville, which Rory made me remove I can be of no service to you :)
Haha, oh man Nickville was ridiculous... and pretty misogynistic actually.
My current boss said it took her six weeks to find a position when she moved to FL, so I'm trying not to feel too anxious (easier said than done). That said, I expect I can still find part time work teaching group fitness classes & personal training until something permanent comes along. Still plan to take the necessary steps to become certified to teach in the fall as well.
Sounds like a good plan to me.
Think of a domain name and I will talk to you about it on Wednesday.
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