Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Update on Wedding Plans...

We ended up booking a 3 bedroom condo at the Lake Travis resort with Ramdin, Brenda and Jared since they will be meeting us there Thursday-Sunday too. It was a little pricier than the hotels but the extra amenities (living room, kitchen, pools, views, jet ski rentals, etc.) seemed worth it. They still had two more 3 bedrooms and a bunch of 2 bedroom condos available so hopefully we can make this the place to hang.

P.S. - Brenda has offered to babysit any little ones if you end up staying in the condo place...:)


Unknown said...
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Eric said...

I think we are going to stay there for the weekend and then possibly get a hotel closer to Austin for the rest of the time we are there. We will let you know when we book the place.

Nick D said...
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Nick D said...

Jenny is that the one we listed on our website or is that something different?

Jenny said...

Eric - Sounds good. I think it will be a nice place for us, since we tend to need a little more room with the baby and all.

Nick - Yep, it was the one listed on your website.

Anonymous said...
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Jae said...

whoa, this is new. our blog is now important enough to troll on :).