This game was mentioned in a blog that I read regularly. The author is a fan. I did a little reading about the game and it sounds so awesome that I feel compelled to play it. In short, it is Risk reimagined. Rules are made and changed during gameplay, the board is phyically altered and decisions made in one game affect all future games. The catch is that the game is designed to be played 15 times and the same players (up to 5) have to play all 15 games. After 15 games the rules are set and it becomes vanilla Risk more or less. Any takers?
This may be a stupid question but is this game played online? By the way I loved that game and could be very interested in playing.
No, it is a board game. If we get enough people we can definitely have planned game sessions.
i'm in... oh wait, i guess i'd have to be there. maybe i can skype in and have nick roll for me :).
Haha only caveat J is I am not doing that thing you do with the dice when you play Craps.
At the risk of sounding to dorky I would be interested.
You guys are major nerds...I'm in.
Giddy up. Count me in.
Bought it. Alex, Nick and Rory are in. Just need a fifth now. Any significant others interested? Jae, Christina doesn't want to play but has volunteered to be your proxy if necessary. Not sure how we'd manage that though.
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