Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Super Bowl Party?

I haven't heard anything about a Super Bowl party so far. Is anyone planning anything? Anybody interested?


Rory said...

Kristy and I were toying with the idea of having one. Unfortunately, I have some juries to pick for trials on Monday, so I don't think we're having one.

Adam said...

I am planning on watching the game alone. I am fearing an emotional close game and I don't want to go ballistic in front of people. If the Pats lose like they did a few years ago, I don't know if I can take it.

Nick D said...

I hear ya Adam often watching big games by yourself is necessary. For what it is worth I expect this to be a great game.

Well I might be attending one in Tampa, but if not I was just going to sit at home with Irene. So I would be intersted, but if Brenden throws one in Tampa I will be going to that.

Leighton said...

We're having one up here in Jax...come on up!