Monday, January 09, 2012

Sausage Making

Anybody who took some photos and or videos of the sausage making could you kindly post them at your earliest conviencence. For those who could not attend it was a fun event and we absolutely ate ever single piece of sausage made, for a first time ever, which left us with no leftovers...booo. We had to incorporate a bunch of new people into some skill positions, but we manged it ok. Adam as others can attest too I was a very poor sub for your role in casing the sausage. The two I made turned out flacid and not up to par. Others like Logan and Alex stepped up and filled in admirably though. Thanks for coming everybody it was fun!!

Nick D


Adam said...

I wish I could think of a good dirty pun with sausages but it is late in the day and my brain is fried. Glad it went well though! Looking forward to our next sausage-fest.

Jae said...

my take away is that alex or logan would be better fluffers than nick. for some reason, this is the opposite of what i had assumed.

Eric said...

As requested:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Jae said...

nice vids eric. did you guys grind the meat w/ that hand crank?

Adam said...

You guys were way too sober to make sausage. I like Alex rockin' the Pliny shirt though!