Friday, October 21, 2011

OWS is full of idiots except for this lady


Amanda said...

That's fantastic. I wish more people would shed some light on the fact that these people don't work.

BTW Alex I'm sorry I deleted your comment on my FB - I was just getting annoyed at the argument since that's not why I posted it in the first place.

Alex said...

No worries! I actually hadn't noticed.

Jae said...

what argument?

Amanda said...

I posted an image on FB showing a series of statements ("you cannot strengthen the poor by weakening the rich" etc) supposedly said by Abraham Lincoln. There's some debate over whether he actually said it... I acknowledged that it may come from another source, but I still completely agree with what it's saying.

Anyway someone decides to comment by providing a web address arguing that it did not come from Lincoln, and Alex rightfully said it doesn't matter. It turned into a back & forth over the credibility of and I just got annoyed that my whole point for posting it was entirely lost. SO I deleted the comment thread.

Amanda said...

... but I appreciated Alex's contribution :)

Nick D said...

So we are driving into Tally on Saturday for the game and I pass a OWS ( Tallahassee version). Basically it looked like a bunch of burnt out hippies with shitty, camper/trailers and tents, very funny.

Jae said...

likewise for tucson... amanda, those kind of posts should be originated on the blog instead of FB. nick and i have decided that the blog >> g+ >> FB.

Adam said...

I'm going to start "checking in" on the blog.

Nick D said...

Hahah points for Adam and Jae.

Alex said...

I check the blog multiple times a day.

So, I now expect more posts from Nick, Adam, and Jae.

Nick D said...

Out of the last 7 threads 4 are from me so you can take those comments and shove it Alex.