Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Full name alert

Hey Jae, I noticed my full name is listed in the contributers list...anyway to get this changed? Nothing bad is linked to my name yet, but I'd like to keep it that way! I don't want another Rory escapade ;)

Also, Eric, Fitocracy won't let me sign in. I tried through facebook and it only errors. Is there an invite code?



Nick D said...

Ashley you should be able to change that yourself. Not sure if it will change retroactively or not, but I changed mine by altering my account settings.

Jae said...

nick hit the nail on the head here, you will have to change your name of your google account. warning, this will change it on all google products as well.

Eric said...

Yes, you need an invite to sign up for Fitocracy. I'll send you one after posting this comment. Btw, sorry to all those that I invited to Fitocracy and ditched, I injured my neck and have been unable to exercise for quite some time. I'll be getting back very soon.

Ashley K said...

Awesome! Fixed it. Thank you :)