Monday, October 03, 2011

Fire Tablet

Just curious of what you guys have thought about the new tablet Amazon is releasing in November. Seems pretty decent to me mainly because the price tag is sitting at a nice $199. Guess we probably will not know much until people actually get their hands on them.


Jae said...

i was excited when i first heard about the potential price tag of $250. $199, therefore, is great. but no camera for skyping the grandparents (or back home when travelling) is a real deal-breaker. rumor is that this guy is a stand-in for the real deal full tablet to come later. found this comparison

Nick D said...

Yea I was hoping it would have a little more umpfh! to it, but the lack of a camera is not that big of a deal for me. Will this be sold in stores or only on amazon I wonder.