Jae according to this article you should carefully consider should you ever try to buy some property and rent it out as a investment in the near future. If we all ever wanted to take a vacation and rent a house near the Sammy's I am sure we can swindle some property owner into a great 1 week rate.
Anybody else find it interesting that Toledo, Ohio is one of the 75 biggest cities in America?? Perhaps just me because that is where my dad went to college.
Nick >------------> D
I spend a lot of time looking at AZ housing data and I wouldn't put too much weight on those statistics for Tucson (esp the homeowner % vacancy) bc they probably count he snowbirds who only spend a few months here as vacant even though they really aren't and they are a pretty big part of our population so it tends to skew the data.
Anyone in AZ knows that Phoenix is in much worse shape than Tucson right now so I'm kinda surprised it isn't on the list. Unfortunately, the speculation was much worse there.
But if the article entices any of you to come visit, then I'll be glad it worked!
Personally I don't see how Las Vegas is not on there, unless it is not a big enough city.
Also, suprised that not one city from FL is on there. Oh well.
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