Sunday, October 30, 2011

Adam and Ali's house (at least it should be)

Halloween Awesomeness

This is for the peeps that don't have facebook. Last year's pumpkin.


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

Dressing up at work

So Raymond James is pretty big into Halloween so I decided to join the company spirit and dress up for work. This costume won me a $50 gift card...believe that. Also, in a slightly Modern Family episode I am the only person in my department who dressed up haha...

Anybody else do anything fun??

Oh yea...Rory is a little beotch.....

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Avoiding the 4th Loss

Well the exciting college football season keeps rolling with all three teams playing this weekend in different televised time slots. This weekend we shall see if our teams can avoid the 4th loss of the season. FSU looks to continue to rebound from its bad start with its third straight victory in a row against a decent opponent. NC State are not world beaters, but feature a very good QB and some skilled players. UF is looking to end its three game slide against what appears to be a solid Georgia team. While this game has been DOMINATED by UF the last two decades UGA appears to be the better team this year. Auburn is hoping to rebound from a trip to LSU by hopefully pounding on the worst team in the SEC. Both AU and UF really need to find some offense this week if they hope to win. Let's see what we predict below.

UF v UGA - Honestly I have no idea what to pick. UGA should win this game, but UF seems to pull a rabbit out of the hat consistently in this series. UGA 17-13

AU v Ole Miss - Home game for Aubie, Ole Miss is 0-4 in the SEC spells a victory for Auburn. 24-10

FSU v NC State - FSU will continue to light it up offensively and the defense goes sack city all over this statue of a QB NC State has. However, NC State will force a pick six to keep themselves in the game. FSU 38 - 17

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I just heard about this.  We should all participate, then when we come to FL for Thanksgiving we can throw a Movember party...

Who's on board?

Google+ is dead

So I received the following email in my inbox today:

After reviewing your profile, it appears that the name you entered does not comply with the Google+ Names Policy. Please log in to Google+ and visit your profile to learn more and take action.
The Names Policy requires that you use the name you are commonly referred to in real life in your profile. Nicknames, previous names, and so on should be entered in the Other Names section of the profile. Profiles are currently limited to individuals; we will be launching profiles for businesses and other entities later this year.
If you do not edit your name to comply with our Names policy or appeal with additional information within four days of receiving this message, your profile will be suspended. While suspended, you will not be able to make full use of Google services that require an active profile, such as Google+, Buzz, Reader and Picasa. This will not prevent you from using other Google services, like Gmail.
The Google+ team.
I don't use my full name specifically because I don't want a public online presence.  So fuck off Google.  Google+ is dead to me.

-J S

PS: I doubt I am alone in this, if you read their name policy the last paragraph is in there for a reason

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

To get eveyone in the Halloween spirit...

We'll be carving our pumpkins this week...
hope you all share your jack o'lantern photos too!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Cheap Rents in AZ ??{L}

Jae according to this article you should carefully consider should you ever try to buy some property and rent it out as a investment in the near future. If we all ever wanted to take a vacation and rent a house near the Sammy's I am sure we can swindle some property owner into a great 1 week rate.

Anybody else find it interesting that Toledo, Ohio is one of the 75 biggest cities in America?? Perhaps just me because that is where my dad went to college.

Nick >------------> D

Friday, October 14, 2011

UF v Auburn

It is great to see you guys playing each other again, seems like it has been a while. Hopefully there can be some good shit talking for this game. With this being a road game for UF and there QB play downright awful I think Auburn will take this. Auburn has not exactly been lightin it up either so who knows what to expect. What I do hope for us a competive fun game.

In terms of FSU well if we don't beat Duke all hell is going to break lose. Honestly as pathetic as it is it may be a decent game to watch, they have a good QB and receivers. Amazing we can go with being tied with Oklahoma in the 4th Qtr to hoping to beat Duke. I don't even want to think about if we don't, let's just hope we do so FSU can salvage some type of season.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Full name alert

Hey Jae, I noticed my full name is listed in the contributers list...anyway to get this changed? Nothing bad is linked to my name yet, but I'd like to keep it that way! I don't want another Rory escapade ;)

Also, Eric, Fitocracy won't let me sign in. I tried through facebook and it only errors. Is there an invite code?


Thursday, October 06, 2011

Road Test Weekend

Well this weekend we shall see if UF and AU can stave off the dreaded second lost that FSU gained two weeks ago. Also, we shall see if FSU season will officially be over with a loss to Wake. Personally I see AU pulling this one out I think Aubie is turning the corner on the season and will take down Arkansas. In terms of UF well lets just say I have zero confidence and in them winning this game. Maybe they will surprise everybody and play a close game, but with the way the offense looked against Bama I just don't see it. That is why they play the games though right?? You never know. Instead of the score I will post how many yds I think UF will gain. For FSU well who the hell knows what to expect sure we have lost to 2 top 10 teams, but Wake always gives us trouble and FSU can't run the ball. Hopefully our defense will make the Clemson game look like the exception and not the norm.

AU wins - +70 points scored
UF losses by at least 17 and gains under 200 yds of offense
FSU wins by 10, but does not look good doing it.

Monday, October 03, 2011

Fire Tablet

Just curious of what you guys have thought about the new tablet Amazon is releasing in November. Seems pretty decent to me mainly because the price tag is sitting at a nice $199. Guess we probably will not know much until people actually get their hands on them.