Friday, October 09, 2009

Award For Nick D

Hey everybody I just spent the last 10 min thinking of great ways to help the world and even though I have not done a damn thing about it I think I am deserving of award. If any of you know of a award that is given on pure rhetoric and a plan for action with no actual steps taken besides drafting very vague guidelines please let me know......anybody??


Jae said...

I dunno, but I think it has something to do with dynamite.

Andrew said...

Nick, I am giving you the Nobel Prize in Physics because you have hope to prove the string theory. So congrats on that 1.4 Million dollar prize.

Alex said...

The Nobel Peace prize is a joke. It became obvious when Al Gore won one.

Maybe this whole philosophy can work for me. I could potentially win the Heisman because I hope to be the best player in college football.

Jae said...

i guess that's like nick winning the guiness book of world records for hoping his penis will grow larger one day

Leighton said...

The Nobel Peace Prize is now on the same level as the Emmys...completely meaningless and irrelevant.

Nick D said...

Jae I could also try to buy a Penis Mightier