Sunday, October 04, 2009


Well, let me be the first to say that the weekend was a huge success. Alex and Ashley, the wedding was wonderful and we wish you the best. It is a lot of fun being married, I must say! Everyone else, it was fantastic getting to see you all and I am excited for Christmas. So hopefully most of you will be around. Anyway, thanks for a great time and I hope everyone made it home safely.


Amanda said...

Agreed. The wedding was beautiful. I had a great time and it was really nice to see you guys again - it'd been over a year since I'd seen most of you! Enjoy the honeymoon kids, and congrats again.

Adam I'm sorry I missed your air guitar solo... that must have been a sight...

Andrew said...

Well put Adam. The wedding was a lot of fun. The Holidays this year should be great.