Saturday, October 10, 2009

[L] US: Taliban has grown fourfold

This is sad considering this is the fight we should have been focusing on all along (IMO). Now support seems to be waning, probably due to the length of time that this conflict has gone on.


Alex said...

Maybe our Nobel Peace Prize winner will show us the way. I bet he is leaning toward taking some French advice.

Adam said...

The point of the war was to get Saddam out of power, which went very smoothly. The Taliban is another issue and even if we had gone after them from the beginning, they would still be gaining numbers. As far as I'm concerned they can do whatever they want in their crappy desert caves. Just don't let them near a city.

I like the link though. Now the Feds will be screening our blog because we're posting messages from Al-Jazeera.

Jae said...

ha, looks like drews pres hopes are shattered. the war on terror should have been only about the taliban. getting saddam out was about oil pure and simple. if we would have gone after the taliban with the amount of support given to iraq things would be different. the problem is the focus is now shifting after what, 8 years?, of war and people are like who cares. you're probably right about getting the blog monitored now though... i know:
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