Sunday, October 18, 2009


Looking at the first BCS standings of the year they do not look to bad for the most part. I mean I have no idea how UF is still #1, in my mind Bama is by far the best looking team in the country. UF has won just like Texas, but just like Texas they have looked not that great. Bama to me looks like the best team and I think we all can admit that. However, I still think UF is #2 so I guess it does not matter.

Boise St and number 4 is huge, no team from a non BCS conference has ever been that high, there win over Oregon is paying off big. However, I still think Cincinatti and Iowa still deserve to be above them when it all comes down to it because they are from a big conference with better opponents week in and week out. Obviously still a ton of time to go, but the top seven still no losses it will be interesting to see if teams like Boise St, Cincy and Iowa win out how they compare to a potential one loss team like: Bama, Texas, USC or UF.

Nick D over and out...getting drunk on a Sunday watching football because everyday is a weekend for me...SHIBBY!

Nut up or shut up

1 comment:

Andrew said...

The BCS is always interesting. Alabama and UF should be the top 2 teams, so it is kind of moot their order right now. If they play in the SEC championship game that could be really interesting. As for Boise State, having them at 4 is pretty ridiculous. Yes they are undefeated, but so is Iowa and they have played a tougher schedule. Beating one ranked team and barely holding on against unranked teams is not that impressive. BSU just seems to be a popular choice to show that the rankings are fair and non-bcs conferences get a fair shake.