Saturday, April 18, 2009

Segway Tour and New Project

We went on a segway tour of Tampa today; not so much for the tour but just so we could ride the segways. Have any of you ever been on one of these things? They're really fun! I was really surprised at how fast they could go, especially off-road. I actually caught a little air when I rode into the lip of the sidewalk from the grass going full speed. If you haven't done it, I would reccommend it just so you can say you've done it. As for the new project...

I told you I'd do it! I'm finally starting the arcade cabinet project and getting a fast start since I found this gutted NeoGeo cabinet in pretty great condition online. After I sand and paint this thing 3 or 4 times and get a really smooth finish I'll post another picture.


Jae said...

you guys look appropriately dorky on those segways.. cool idea. it's good to do all the touristy things in your area since a lot of the time you never get around to them.

arcade box is a great project. good luck with the sanding and painting. look forward to pics.

Adam said...

What are you going to put in the arcade box? Put an xbox or something in there? Or are you going to go old school and do something with classic games? I would assume that older games would be easier to use joystick controls like a real arcade but that isn't to say you can't just have an xbox controller attached to the cabinet. Anyway, very excited to see how that turns out!

Alex said...

Those Segways do seem like a good time.

Hopefully, Eric is planning on putting in multiple joysticks. I could go for some co-op classic arcade games.

Jae said...

gauntlet legends anybody?

Eric said...

It will be a PC running MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator), with about 500 or so games that I thought were fun as a kid or recognizable enough that people would know what they were. I'm still deciding if I'm going to make a 2 or 4 player control panel, I just don't know if 4 will be worth it. There aren't too many 4 player games (and almost all of them follow the guanlet play style) and I don't think I'll have 4 people standing around it demanding to play all that often. The controls will definitely consist of joysticks and buttons like you would expect in an arcade cabinet, as well as a trackball for golden tee and some classic games that used one.

Alex said...

I vote for four joysticks, because two joysticks are for pussies.

Once it is operational, would it be alright if I move in?

Adam said...

Awesome. That is all I have to say.

Logan said...

Did you say golden tee? I'll be there.

Andrew said...

If you are going to throw Golden Tee on there, you should throw a couple of Guns on there and add Big Buck Hunter.

Jae said...

f ya, how about area 51?