Sunday, April 26, 2009


Here was our tailgate.

Eric, I know you have some good pics too so post them up.


Jae said...

i can't make out anyone in those, you have any where people knew they were getting their pictures taken?

Eric said...

Here's some pics, nothing too exciting... but then there's this.

Jae said...

that was a total wrestler's belly flop, used his forearms to break the fall. i'd give it an 8.5, and a 6.5 from the russian judge.

Andrew said...

That looks like a ridiculous tail gate. I am pretty jealous.

Alex said...

The future of America's health care looks dim.

Logan said...

It's a lot of fun! Our pool actually made it on the radio station's website.

Logan said...

ok, that link didnt work, just copy and paste it. I'm not as talented as Eric apparently.

Eric said...

the tiki bar is in that gallery, too!