Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Happy Birthday Mini Guinea!

Welcome to old age!


Nick D said...

Thank you sir...pleasure to join the club. I woke up this morning and my knee was hurting for some reason...damn late 20's.

Jae said...

happy birthday, you guys are getting freaking old. glad i'm still young and spry (although over here i am actually a day ahead and so one day older than i should be).

Andrew said...

Happy Birthday you feckless thug...

Leighton said...

Happy birthday buddy! Have a brewski for me tonight! (And some Pastafina:))

Logan said...

That's alright Nick, I woke up this morning with my back hurting from soccer yesterday.

Jae, where are you? Australia?

Adam said...

Happy B-day my friend. Hope you celebrate with style.

Nick D said...

Thanks guys will do, except the Pastafina that will have to wait till the weekend.

Oh yea it briefly snowed today..what the hell....

Jae said...

beal, okinawa

Andrew said...

Why are you in Japan, Jae?

Jae said...


Eric said...

Happy Birthday!

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday, Nicholas. Hope it's a good one. We owe ya a belated bday drink in June!

Amanda said...

Happy belated birthday... I hope you had a great day!

Alex said...

Happy belated birthday from Turkey!

Jae said...

sounds like the blog is going global