Some of you already know this, but yesterday I signed my youth away and now I own a condo in DC. Most interesting part of the day was when I had to review all of my alias and not one of them was Drew Fasoli. Andy Fasoli was on there a few times. So now you are all welcome to visit and there will be a place for you to crash.
Was "Ice Show" one of them?
Congrats on the new place. What's it like?
I wonder if Drew pops up when you Google "Ice Show." Considering it is probably Drew's most well known alias.
congrats, it's a big step but you won't regret it.
so when does the stripper pole go in? ice SHOW!
What about Brewsack?
Congrats on the condo buddy!
Damn, when she asked me if there were any other aliases I should have remembered those. She had me a little freaked out when she was going over the federal codes that said if I lied on my loan application I would be prosecuted.
Jae, are there really swine flu updates on the blog? It is crazy how much people over react to a little flu. I want to see the numbers on how many people are infected with the regular flu and how many have died from it. Media sensationalism is ridiculous.
I wondered the exact same thing Adam.
ya, i figured i would ride the wave while it exists. plus i think rss feeds are sweet. i don't know why this flu is getting so much special attention. i was reading about the 1918 pandemic though, 1 in 3 people got it and it killed mostly young adults instead of the usual infants and elderly. you guys know my stance on the world population, so i'm fine with some culling of the herd. as i understand it, all flus come in two waves. a mild one at first, then a more serious strain in the fall. so maybe all the hype is speculation related to the fall one?
I'm with you Jae...time to weed out the weak.
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