I didn't think they allowed this kind of thinking on CNBC. I wonder how much longer you will be able to say these things out loud in America.
Maybe CNBC is trying to put their best foot forward for the possible upcoming fairness doctrine, a.k.a. a complete collective government shit on the Bill of Rights.
At least we get to put whatever we want online :P.
Anyway, what are the traders so ticked off about, they were making money hand-over-fist back when those people bought those loans they couldn't afford.
Instead of fighting it, I'm trying to figure out how to get my mitts on some of that $75B. I'm thinking stopping my extra principal payments each month might be a good start. If I do get some bailout money, I'll be sure to write Alex a hand-written thank you note with a nice green bow.
That was great. Whatever, nothing we can do about it now. Lets just hope that the nearly 1 trillion he has spent in 30 days at office does something other then drive the market down further.
I love that video.
Off topic now. Jae, where did daily dose of imagery go on the side panel? I hope you aren't planning on removing it! I think that site might be in competition with you for greatest blog in the world.
Alex, your knowledge of the fairness doctrine is all wrong. It is only for radio and only punishes conservatives. Although I am fairly certain that the all liberal talk radio station, Air America, has been one of the bigger financial flops in Radio. Hannity, Savage, Beck, and Limbaugh all sign 7-9 figure deals and make even more with endorsements and the liberals can't pay their employees. Although it is pretty typical of the left, if you are not doing well it is other people's fault not your own.
Actually Drew, I was aware of the fairness doctrine only affecting radio but I would hardly be shocked if it extended into TV in the future. You are absolutlely right that Air America is a joke. The conservative radio personalities are racking in the money due to high listener volume. The liberals want to push their agenda on the money the conservative shows bring in.
Big surprise! Liberals want to benefit from the work of others. I guess I should get ready for this to happen more often considering we are only in the early stages of our conversion to Obamunism.
Jae, I am not paying your stimulus, in fact, I will probably receive a stimulus payment. You should write a thank you to the small business owners, such as my father, Dr. Fasoli, Dr. D, Mr. Conoley, and your father.
I think Dr. Beal would like a thank you note too. I would write him one if I didn't think it would piss him off!
adam, daily dose of imagery is back (for you). sorry i was trying to push out the competition ;).
Yeay DDoI!
The Fairness Doctrine is pretty cool if you ask me. I mean, the only place where conservatives get to be outspoken and have a voice is on radio, so the libs find some old law made before TV was around and want to reinstate it in its original form so it only affects conservatives. If it ever applied to TV, the liberals would be in trouble. What are they going to have a conservative 60 minutes? Or better yet, a conservative Oprah!
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