Tell Al Gore about global warming. His big hyped up speech about it was canceled due to one of the worst winter storms in history.
Show me data instead of telling me they have data. I want to see it and make my own decision. Until then, I will continue to drive my big truck....after all, Im not in China or India.
You know about the growing demand for food in the world? Well "global warming" is helping relieve that. Here's a quote from your data: "Global changes in temperature extremes include decreases in the number of unusually cold days and nights and increases in the number of unusually warm days and nights. Other observed changes include lengthening of the growing season, and decreases in the number of frost days."
Nobody has shown me that global warming is not a natural process or that greenhouse gases are solely responsible for the climate models you mentioned. Also, it is my understanding that the volcano in Hawaii produces more greenhouse gases than the entire USA per year.
Bovine flatulence (cow farts) is also causing some form of global warming. Perhaps, Al Gore should be preaching about butt plugs. I am super serial!
"However, over mid-continental areas summer-drying is expected due to increased evaporation with increased temperatures, resulting in an increased tendency for drought in those regions."
So much for that extra food, haha. I agree Jae, fuck.
More fear-mongering with a political motive. Don't buy into it Jae. Here is an article talking about John Coleman, the creator of the weather channel; he might be able to put you at ease:)
More fear-mongering with a political motive. Don't buy into it Jae. Here is an article talking about John Coleman, the creator of the weather channel; he might be able to put you at ease:)
Rory, your quote uses words like "expected" and "tendency"- nothing specific. Also, the mid-continental region or the midwest has had a "tendency" for droughts throughout history....its nothing new.
Haha, it can't be specific because its the future. The best they can do is research the issue and make educated guesses. It also says an INCREASED tendency for droughts.
I'm just stating what the data said that Jae found.
Facts from Wikipedia: John Coleman is not a scientist, he earned his Bachelors in Journalism in '57 and has spent the majority of his jobs reading the weather. I am sure he understands that there is more publicity in speaking out against global warming than just going along with it.
Also, I don't think your volcano theory holds water: link.
If you are taking the wait and see approach because you haven't been shown what you need to see then it is your responsibility to seek out that information which is readily available online.
On another note, how about this blog action? Good stuff!
As Alex said, Prove that this is not part of the normal cycle of the Earth.
I decided to do a little research on the issue.
It seems that in the 1970's scientists were fearing a global cooling and predicting the next ice age that was going to end the world as we knew it.
Going back even further, scientists thought the globe was flat and if you sailed past the horizon, you would fall off the edge of the Earth. It's a good thing Columbus decided to give it a shot.
Should I go back further? The sun orbits around the Earth...should I keep going?
Ok, I will: Mars is warming near the same rate we are and has glacier melting. Think the sun has something to do with that? Or is it all the emissions from that rover we sent there?
It is fairly obvious that Global Climate Change is a very real thing and is natural, because I cannot imagine there were cars and coal plants that produced Greenhouse gases back during the most recent Ice Age, the Little Ice Age. Although most agree this was not a true ice age, but it did do some damage to Europe and there is new evidence that it might have caused issues in the Southern Hemisphere. The real issue is that funding for scientific research is getting too political. I mean just look at the idea of adult and embryonic stem cell research. There are 2 camps and both are fighting for whatever money is available. Funding should be given out to multiple different theories so all can be tested against one another and the world can base it on fact and not hyped up theories with little more than trends.
Climate models are total crap and that is what this "science" is all based on. Climate models essentially start with the presumption that global warming is caused by humans and thus it reaches its own conclusion before it even starts.
This website also some has eye-opening items of interest in the global warming charade:
beal, your glacier is composed entirely of co2 so i think i found your source ;).
it seems the recent warming is the only real warming that cannot be explained by natural causes. historically the solar cycles have had the majority of the effect on the world's temperatures. however, while we are approaching a solar minimum the global temps continue to rise (more caused by greenhouse gases than natural causes). makes me wonder what will happen when we cycle back towards a solar maximum.
adam, i appreciate the link and got some good info out of it. it's like a battle of david and goliath between some scientists like the author of junkscience and the IPCC.
interesting times we live in, as much as i enjoy scouring the interwebs for data i feel this thread may continue on forever and it is starting to interfere with my tv watching time :).
I'm already paranoid by nature Jae. That... well that didn't help.
Tell Al Gore about global warming. His big hyped up speech about it was canceled due to one of the worst winter storms in history.
Show me data instead of telling me they have data. I want to see it and make my own decision. Until then, I will continue to drive my big truck....after all, Im not in China or India.
Global climate change does not only lead to a warming of the global average temperature it also leads to more unpredicable and extreme weather ;).
Anyway, here's your data from the NOAA. Read number 11 and then say it with me... fuck.
You know about the growing demand for food in the world? Well "global warming" is helping relieve that.
Here's a quote from your data:
"Global changes in temperature extremes include decreases in the number of unusually cold days and nights and increases in the number of unusually warm days and nights. Other observed changes include lengthening of the growing season, and decreases in the number of frost days."
Longer growing season=more food.
Nobody has shown me that global warming is not a natural process or that greenhouse gases are solely responsible for the climate models you mentioned. Also, it is my understanding that the volcano in Hawaii produces more greenhouse gases than the entire USA per year.
Bovine flatulence (cow farts) is also causing some form of global warming. Perhaps, Al Gore should be preaching about butt plugs. I am super serial!
Here's another quote Beal:
"However, over mid-continental areas summer-drying is expected due to increased evaporation with increased temperatures, resulting in an increased tendency for drought in those regions."
So much for that extra food, haha. I agree Jae, fuck.
More fear-mongering with a political motive. Don't buy into it Jae. Here is an article talking about John Coleman, the creator of the weather channel; he might be able to put you at ease:)
You can find his articles everywhere.
More fear-mongering with a political motive. Don't buy into it Jae. Here is an article talking about John Coleman, the creator of the weather channel; he might be able to put you at ease:)
You can find his articles everywhere.
Rory, your quote uses words like "expected" and "tendency"- nothing specific. Also, the mid-continental region or the midwest has had a "tendency" for droughts throughout history....its nothing new.
Haha, it can't be specific because its the future. The best they can do is research the issue and make educated guesses. It also says an INCREASED tendency for droughts.
I'm just stating what the data said that Jae found.
Facts from Wikipedia: John Coleman is not a scientist, he earned his Bachelors in Journalism in '57 and has spent the majority of his jobs reading the weather. I am sure he understands that there is more publicity in speaking out against global warming than just going along with it.
Also, I don't think your volcano theory holds water: link.
If you are taking the wait and see approach because you haven't been shown what you need to see then it is your responsibility to seek out that information which is readily available online.
On another note, how about this blog action? Good stuff!
As Alex said, Prove that this is not part of the normal cycle of the Earth.
I decided to do a little research on the issue.
It seems that in the 1970's scientists were fearing a global cooling and predicting the next ice age that was going to end the world as we knew it.
Going back even further, scientists thought the globe was flat and if you sailed past the horizon, you would fall off the edge of the Earth. It's a good thing Columbus decided to give it a shot.
Should I go back further? The sun orbits around the Earth...should I keep going?
Ok, I will: Mars is warming near the same rate we are and has glacier melting. Think the sun has something to do with that? Or is it all the emissions from that rover we sent there?
It is fairly obvious that Global Climate Change is a very real thing and is natural, because I cannot imagine there were cars and coal plants that produced Greenhouse gases back during the most recent Ice Age, the Little Ice Age. Although most agree this was not a true ice age, but it did do some damage to Europe and there is new evidence that it might have caused issues in the Southern Hemisphere.
The real issue is that funding for scientific research is getting too political. I mean just look at the idea of adult and embryonic stem cell research. There are 2 camps and both are fighting for whatever money is available. Funding should be given out to multiple different theories so all can be tested against one another and the world can base it on fact and not hyped up theories with little more than trends.
Climate models are total crap and that is what this "science" is all based on. Climate models essentially start with the presumption that global warming is caused by humans and thus it reaches its own conclusion before it even starts.
This website also some has eye-opening items of interest in the global warming charade:
beal, your glacier is composed entirely of co2 so i think i found your source ;).
it seems the recent warming is the only real warming that cannot be explained by natural causes. historically the solar cycles have had the majority of the effect on the world's temperatures. however, while we are approaching a solar minimum the global temps continue to rise (more caused by greenhouse gases than natural causes). makes me wonder what will happen when we cycle back towards a solar maximum.
adam, i appreciate the link and got some good info out of it. it's like a battle of david and goliath between some scientists like the author of junkscience and the IPCC.
interesting times we live in, as much as i enjoy scouring the interwebs for data i feel this thread may continue on forever and it is starting to interfere with my tv watching time :).
I agree Jae, we will just chalk it up as a win for the Logan, Alex, Drew and Adam team.
haha, sounds good. as long as alex agrees to start recycling some of those beer bottles ;)
Don't worry, Jae. Once I marry Ashley, I won't have a choice.
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