Bad ass. Jenny, can you convince Allie to let me get a gun?? Awesome weapon too. The snub nose has only one purpose: close range killing. I'll take that over accuracy any day!
You should have purchased the hammerless version, so Jenny could keep it in purse without worry about hooking it on something. Makes it a little more awkward to shoot it, but you would eventually get used to it. What are the Conceal and Carry laws in Arizona? You should hope they have "may" issue laws, basically it states if the state government cannot find a valid reason for you to have it, you must be allowed to have it.
No doubt, that is a sweet looking gun. It is nice that you could possibly exchange it if you want, although you all might find it perfect. That sucks that your selection is limited. My dad bought my mom her hand gun at a shooting range on 301 in Bradenton, Take Aim. Fairly amusing because they had a ton of shit there.
Bad ass. Jenny, can you convince Allie to let me get a gun?? Awesome weapon too. The snub nose has only one purpose: close range killing. I'll take that over accuracy any day!
What are you gonna shoot?
Obama does not approve!
Alex, I think you just got Jae's Blog tagged. We are talking about guns, shooting, close kill range and you bring up BO.
yeah, thanks Alex. now i'll probably lose my clearances, get fired, and definitely get some of that stimulus!
Well, Jae if that comes true. You're welcome for the free money!
Anyway, the government would never abuse their power and try to control our free speech. Uh bad.
women + guns = sexy.
Nice purchase! I'll be finally taking my CCW class soon too. I feel the days of the wild west are upon us.
You should have purchased the hammerless version, so Jenny could keep it in purse without worry about hooking it on something. Makes it a little more awkward to shoot it, but you would eventually get used to it. What are the Conceal and Carry laws in Arizona? You should hope they have "may" issue laws, basically it states if the state government cannot find a valid reason for you to have it, you must be allowed to have it.
My bad, I meant Shall Issue laws and not May Issue laws. Also, you should see what states AZ has reciprocity with.
drew, that is what she wanted. unfortunately they are very hard to come by and we were lucky to find this one.
as it turns out, if we find the hammerless version somewhere we should be able to trade without too much additional cost.
No doubt, that is a sweet looking gun. It is nice that you could possibly exchange it if you want, although you all might find it perfect. That sucks that your selection is limited. My dad bought my mom her hand gun at a shooting range on 301 in Bradenton, Take Aim. Fairly amusing because they had a ton of shit there. should see the gun shops in Jax.
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