Monday, December 29, 2008

Back from ski trip, New Year's Eve plans

Hey all, we just got back from Gatlinburg, TN and wanted to remind you that everyone is invited over to our place for New Year's Eve. Let me know if you think you'll be coming in the comments so I can get an idea of how many people I should expect. The ski trip went really well considering it was my first time skiing. I took a lesson to get the feel for it and spent most of the night on the green circle run with everybody else. For my last trip down the mountain I went down a blue square. I felt like I was going 100mph and was totally out of control. Just before I was about to go off the side of the mountain I laid it down and slid for about 50-100 feet. Teddy was laughing so hard that he took his first and only fall of the night. Overall it was an awesome trip, we'll definitely go again in the near future.


Anonymous said...
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Amanda said...

'Green circle run', 'blue square', 'laid it down'... what the crap are you talking about? Geez you go on one ski trip and suddenly I'm the only one who is apparently not down with the lingo :(

Jae said...

i'm in the dark with you amanda. i just picture obnoxious ski people and then i don't really care what those words mean.

Adam said...

Sounds like a good time. I am shocked that you actually have ski jackets and stuff! Not much use for them besides the occasional trip up north. I've never been skiing at night either. I bet that was awesome! Anyway, glad you two had a good time. Maybe this will mean a trip up to Boston for skiing some time...

Nick D said...

Snowboarding > Skiing...which I will be doing for this coming up Saturday.

Nick D said...

Excuse me Jan 10th I mean....