Thursday, December 11, 2008

Beer + Industrial-sized Pack of SarenWrap + An Ingenious Idea from Rory + Nick =


Logan said...

Beer + Industrial-sized Pack of SarenWrap + An Ingenious Idea from Rory + Nick = Italian Sausage?

Nick D said...

Haha it was incredibly hard to move wrapped up like that. Part of the dangers of living with rory and having beer around.

Man we had some good times.

Jae said...

That reminds me of the time we wrapped that girls car with sarenwrap in high school? What was that girls name?

Andrew said...

Meg Schade, who I believe Adam has run into in Boston once or twice.

Rory said...

Haha, I remember that. Nick and I stole the saren wrap from Freedom Village. Operation Eagle!

Adam said...

Nice pics. Wrapping the car was pretty damn awesome. I saw her a few years ago and hung out with her once. I haven't seen her since though. Nick, I'll be sure to bring the saran wrap this weekend to NY.

Rory said...

Before we wrapped Nick up, Danny and I actually saren wrap everything in his room while he was gone one weekend. It was pretty funny. And, to top it all off, as Nick was unwrapping his room our other friend Brenden saren wrapped his car!

Nick D said...

Not for nothing it was a good prank. However, it did get me going.