We are in our final stage of testing for MyCatchLog v2. We added some cool stuff like automatically generating the sea conditions based on buoy data. Another cool feature is the ability to right click on the map to generate GPS coordinates. It is also a lot faster to enter catches. I logged my last fishing trip in the old version and it took me 3 mins 45 secs. This version took me 1min 3 secs for the exact same trip.
Go sign up and try to break it! Let me know what you find that is not working so we can fix it.
PS for those of you who have already registered, we have not migrated the old user data to the new version yet so you will have to make a new account.
when you google "my catch log" the 2nd result is your original blog post :)
Comes up 3rd for me! We didn't SEO optimize the site. Not enough people searching for that to bother with it.
Leave it to me to be the one with problems again. I tried to register and it said my email address was already being used, so I tried to login with my old password and it doesn't work. I did the forgot password thing though, I just can't check my gmail until I get home from work because there are filters on the internet here. I'll get back to you.
Okay nevermind, I just forgot my password. But apparently some people's login info did migrate over since I didn't have to register again. Anyway... I got it now. Really awesome site Logan. I
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