Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Let's start it up. Not what you WANT to happen, but what you THINK will happen in the Championship game.

Nick's Prediction: After watching Texas and Texas Tech struggle it is obvious they have not faced any good defenses all year. However, this will be the best offense UF has faced all year. In the end I think UF will pull it out with a 31-24 victory and the Timmy love fest continues...lets just hope by some miracle he leaves for the NFL haha....

Nick D.....( Rory is a beoootch)


Rory said...

98-1 Florida.

Adam said...

My prediction: I fall asleep at 10pm tonight.

Jae said...

OK watches tape of our games... get's scared... doesn't even show... decides USC should go in their place... Florida trounces USC 157-3