Wednesday, December 03, 2008


I am looking forward to this weekend in hopes that the BCS screwes things up. It could get real interesting if Missouri some how beats OU. However, what would happen if UF barely beats Bama?? I was looking at the BCS and noticed the computers have UF ranked 6th (probably because of the weak schedule compared to the Big 12 teams, which playing Bama should fix that). Would they get enough computer love to jump Texas?? One would think so certainly the human pollsters would put the SEC champ in 1st or 2nd, but would the computers? I mean if Bama wins it is done and done and if UF blows them out, which I can see happening it is probably done and done as well. Got to love the BCS.

Sunday FSU v UF in basketball.......


Rory said...

Cue Nick talking about how this is "the year" for FSU basketball...

Leighton said...

My prediction...

UF beats Bama, but Bama stays ahead in the BCS due to a loss to a tougher opponent.

And for the record...Texas got screwed big time!

Nick D said...

Texas got screwed hardcore.

Actually UF has the worst loss out of any of the top teams, but everybody loves the Gates so I would not worry about that.

Rory not until we have a new coach will I say those words. He is horrible.

Rory said...

The winner of the SEC Championship is gonna be in the national championship game. If Florida wins it will propel them to number one in at least one of the human polls. Also a win over 'Bama will increase the computer average as well.

It'll be interesting to see what happens if Oklahoma loses. I personally think Texas deserves to play for a national title.

Amanda said...

Has a team ever played for the championship that didn't win their conference though?

Amanda said...

I don't disagree with you by the way, I'm just curiously pointing something out in the form of a honest question. And providing further proof of how the BCS always manages to screw things up...

Logan said...

I'm off to ATL tonight! Can't wait for the game on Saturday!

Josh said...

We are also going to Atlanta, but will not arrive until the morning.

Alex said...

I response to Amanda's question. Yes, Oklahoma played in the title game in 2003 after losing the Big 12 title game to Kansas State.

BTW, I love watching the BCS screw up. I would obviously prefer the playoff, and I would prefer the old bowl system compared to this dumbass system.

Alex said...

Damn! I meant "In response to Amanda's question."

I can't believe I pulled a Nick!

Amanda said...

Why thank you Mr. Knower-of-All-Things-College-Football. I have now been schooled. But wait, the BCS Championship wasn't a separate game yet in 2003... so you mean to tell me that KSU won a major conference title and didn't play in a BCS Bowl? Or were there two Big 12 teams within 4 bowl games? Either way it's stupid and I'm only rambling on the point you've already made.

If you want to get technical Alex, it wouldn't have been a complete sentence even if you had used the word you were looking for anyway. I say we just chalk up the grammar on this blog to little more than you would expect from text-speak and call it a day.

Jae said...

booya grandma

Alex said...

The BCS title game is new, and the four major bowls had alternated as the "title game" before the extra bowl was added.

Also, KSU did play in a BCS bowl as the Big 12 champs in 2003. However, Oklahoma still snuck into the "title game" to play LSU. In fact, I believe that KSU destroyed OU by the score of 35 - 7 and Ell Robertson and Darren Sproles ran wild.

By the way, Amanda, I may not be able to form grammatically correct sentences, but I do know how to use a search engine.

If you type in "BCS champions" in the blank text box on Google, then you should find the answers you seek. ;)

Jae said...

Amanda, click here for more info.

Amanda said...

5th BCS title game didn't come around til 2006. I already knew that. I also already knew how to use Google... I am a student, after all... I was simply pointing out that whether KSU played in a BCS bowl game in 2003 (leaving 2 Big 12 teams within 4 BCS Bowls), or didn't (leaving a major conference winner completely out of a BCS Bowl) it would be ridiculous either way. Therefore, Alex was 1) right in thinking the BCS is lame, but 2) in my opinion wrong for preferring the old bowl system for precisely the above scenario.

So shame on you for trying to make me feel stupid!

Logan said...

Josh - was that you that called me in Atlanta? I couldn't make out the voicemail. It was cutting in and out. I just saw that you were there and thought - Hey, that could have been Josh.