Your bacon mat appears to be missing lettuce and tomato. You gotta have the L and the T! You should eat one bacon mat twice a day for a month and then take another picture to see if you look like the guy in your last post.
By the way, if that hasn't been patented yet, you need to get on it.
btw chris, i am married and therefore have already forfeit my testicles :(. on the plus side, i can eat bacon weaves all day long without worrying about impressing the ladies ;).
I never said anything about that chick being hot. I simply said that I would like to see the breast supporting device patented. I'm just glad they had the sense to cover that lady's face. And if you don't have any ladies to impress, why are you wimping out with the girlie bacon? Being fat is a sign of opulence.
it all about relative healthiness, bacon is much healthier than say snorting coke off a hookers ass, so by easing back of the coke and hookers you can eat all the bacon you want. Look it up its a scientific fact
Whoa! Are you trying to tell me snorting coke off a hookers ass is bad for you. I did not see any warning labels, I smell a class action law suit forming.
That's not bacon! It's an impostor!!!
Your bacon mat appears to be missing lettuce and tomato. You gotta have the L and the T! You should eat one bacon mat twice a day for a month and then take another picture to see if you look like the guy in your last post.
By the way, if that hasn't been patented yet, you need to get on it.
I'd rather see this patented:
That looks delicious! I never thought I would want to motorboat bacon before eating it.
If that is turkey bacon I feel I must inform you that you have just forfeited your testicles....I don't make the rules I just follow em
adam, does it complete with double-chin? you always used to like 'em tiny, what happened?
btw chris, i am married and therefore have already forfeit my testicles :(. on the plus side, i can eat bacon weaves all day long without worrying about impressing the ladies ;).
I never said anything about that chick being hot. I simply said that I would like to see the breast supporting device patented. I'm just glad they had the sense to cover that lady's face. And if you don't have any ladies to impress, why are you wimping out with the girlie bacon? Being fat is a sign of opulence.
it all about relative healthiness, bacon is much healthier than say snorting coke off a hookers ass, so by easing back of the coke and hookers you can eat all the bacon you want. Look it up its a scientific fact
Whoa! Are you trying to tell me snorting coke off a hookers ass is bad for you. I did not see any warning labels, I smell a class action law suit forming.
DC Mayor for Life marion Barry, likes doing crack and blow off of hookers tits. Bitch done set me up.
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